Page 165 - Pure Life 29
P. 165
164 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (29): 157-176, Winter 2022
word “silm” that can have only does he go
two meanings “peace” and astray: nor can the
“submission”, submission bearer of a burden
to Allah almighty and peace bear the burden of
among human. (Rizvi, 2006: another, nor do We
3-4) It means, as shown by chastise until We
its name, Islam against the raise an apostle”.
act of radical and terror (Quran, 17: 15)
and seeks to promote peace. According to Allameh Tabatabai
Bangura stated that inside in his “Commentary al-Mizan”,
holy Quran there are abundant this verse is in relation with
verses which propose to person attitudes and behavior.
peace and justice among If someone doing good deed
humanity. These verses can then the benefit will be for
be used as major sources himself and if he act
and guidance in order to wrongly, the effect will
define that Monotheistic return to him. The act of
Religions, especially Islam, terror is a matter of wrong
are opposed to radical and doing to make or damaging
terrorist activities. (Ref: people’s life. The culprit
Bangura, 2015) tends to create worry by
The Holy Quran says: acting dangerously. So, based
“Whoever goes aright, on this verse of Quran, any
for his own soul kinds of act that create
does he go aright; damage or insecurity can be
and whoever goes included as a means of terror.
astray, to its detriment (Tabatabai, 1997, Vol. 13: 77)