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               82  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (29): 73-102, Winter 2022
               cases  from  the  disputed  ones,            b)  This perceeption is a
               and to organize the discussion                   kind  of  proof  and
               of  each  of  them  as  much  as                 document;
               necessary.                                   c)  The  saint  legislator
                  There are some instances of                   has  not  chosen  any

               these usages as follows:                         special    tools    in
                   1.  Referring to custom in                   understanding      his
                      the  concepts  of  words                  intentions. (Alidoust,
                      and the sentences used                    2010: 214)
                      for reason                            d)  A  search  of  the
               One of the definite and general                  written  and  spoken

               accepted     usages     is    the                documents  of  the
               authority     of    custom     in                knowledge of Islamic
               interpreting  the  words  and                    jurisprudence, principles
               phrases  taken  in  the  evidence                and  law  reveals  the
               and  religious  documents.  As                   fundamental  role  of
               custom  is  also  a  competent                   custom  in  identifying
               reference  in  the  interpretation               and        explaining
               of phrases.                                      religious documents-

                  This  efficiency  and  the                    including the Quran,
               second  efficiency  for  custom                  hadith and consensus.
               are  based  on  three  undeniable                Although the authority
               presuppositions:                                 of  custom  does  not
                      a)  The  will  of  the                    need to be argued in
                          legislator           is               recognizing  concepts

                          understandable to us;                 and  phrases;  but  in
                                                                order to remove any
                                                                doubt, it clarifies the
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