Page 84 - Pure Life 29
P. 84

Functions of Custom Law in … H. Andalib / (83

                          matter     with     an         •  The term Shari'a precedes
                          explanation from the              custom. (Alidoust, 2010: 215)
                          point of view of wisdom.
                                                         2.  Referring  to  costume

                  Undoubtedly,  in  notifying               in  understanding  the
               the  law  to  the  citizens  and             related matters, reasons
               those  who  are  responsible  for            and arguments
               that  law,  any  legislator  must     One of the most common and
               adhere  to  the  principles  and      subtle  instrumental  uses  of
               rules  of  communication  and         custom  in  deriving  rulings  is
               the  rules  that  are  common         its  use  in  interpreting  and
               among  their  audiences,  uses        explaining     valid    religious

               their words and phrases and be        arguments  and  documents.
               bound  by  their  custom  in          This  means  that  a  Mujtahid
               communication  and  also  must        should  instill  documents  such
               remind  if  he  has  a  particular    as  the  Quran  and  Hadith  into
               term or method, and otherwise         people  who  are  fluent  in  the
               organize     his    conversation      Arabic language, and consider

               according to the procedure and        their understanding and judgment
               custom of the people.The saint        (which we interpret as custom)
               legislator  has  followed  this       about that document, and take
               procedure.  The  result  of  this     into    account     the     other
               rational  understanding  is  two      necessary aspects in Ijtihad.
               statements as follows:                   The difference between this
                   •  The saint legislator does      usage  and  the  previous  usage

                      not  have  a  specific         is that the previous usage was
                      method in his legislative      about  the  interpretation  of  the
                      communication.                 words  and  sentences  of  a
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