Page 105 - Pure Life 31
P. 105
104 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (31): 93-144, Summer 2022
should be such that the material or spiritual
promotes Godliness in the traits, it should be in line
society. It is impossible with the ultimate goal.
that the teachings of Islam
are empty of culture. The 2. The Principle of a
Meaningful World
reason for this is that In the Holy Quran mentions:
culture is the common “Indeed, in the creation
element in a society that of the heavens and the
leads society towards a earth and the alternation
single goal. If the teachings of the day and night
of Islam are void of culture there are signs for
then there would be a vacuum people of reason who
between the intellectual, Who remember Allah
ethical, and practical teachings while standing or sitting
of Islam and therefore, its or [lying] on their sides
adherents would never reach and give thought to the
the lofty goal suggested by creation of the heavens
Islam. and the earth, [saying],
Similarly, as human beings Our Lord, You did not
are a combination of two create this aimlessly;
dimensions, the material and exalted are You [above
the spiritual, the proposed such a thing]; then protect
culture should be such to us from the punishment
include both. If there are of the Fire”. (Quran, 3:
any restrictions in any of