Page 107 - Pure Life 31
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               106  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (31): 93-144, Summer 2022

                     -  “It  is  He  who  has             surely  ascertain  those
                  made  you  successors  on               who are truthful, and He
                  the  earth,  and  raised                shall surely ascertain the
                  some  of  you  in  rank                 liars”. (Quran, 29: 2-3)

                  above  others  so  that  He                -  “He,  who  created
                  may  test  you  in  respect             death  and  life  that  He
                  to  what  He  has  given                may  test  you  [to  see]
                  you. Indeed, your Lord is               which  of  you  is  best  in

                  swift  in  retribution,  and            conduct.  And  He  is  the
                  indeed, He is all-forgiving,            All-mighty,     the     All-
                  all-merciful”. (Quran, 6: 165)          forgiving”. (Quran, 67: 2)

                      -  “We  created  man
                   from  a  mixed  sperm  to             It is clear from the above
                   try  him,  so  We  have            verses  that  one  of  the

                   made him hearing, seeing.          purposes  of  creation  is  to
                   We have shown him the              test human beings. Success
                   way:  Either  grateful  or         and  failure  in  these  tests

                   ungrateful”. (Quran, 18: 7)        depend on our determination
                      - “Do the people suppose        to  act  according  to  God’s
                   that  they  will  be  let  off     commandments in all situations.
                   because they say, ‘We have            We  have  two  kinds  of

                   faith,’ and they will not          tests; one is personal tests,
                   be tested? Certainly We            meaning       our     personal
                   tested  those  who  were           obligations  in  relation  to

                   before them. So Allah shall        ourselves and God (although
                                                      its  effect  might  not  be
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