Page 108 - Pure Life 31
P. 108
Islamic Model of Peaceful Coexistence… MR. Dodhiya and M. Ghanbari (107
limited to being personal) manifest enemy. Worship
like praying, fasting, etc., Me. That is a straight
while the other is the social path?” (Quran, 36: 60-61)
test; meaning our social
obligations towards our As mentioned, acting in line
neighbors, society, community with the commandments of
and the humanity on a Allah is known as worship
whole. The verb presented whether the act is a
by Islam for acting in personal act or a social act.
accordance to the divine In the later section, we
will in these tests, personal will introduce the social
as well as social, is called aspects of Islam which
worship, which is another form the Islamic culture
purpose of creation as and how Islam suggests its
mentioned in some verses adherents to live in multi-
of the Quran. For example: cultural society. The need
- “I did not create the to mention the purpose of
jinn and the humans human creation is to
except that they may illustrate that worship
worship Me”. (Quran, encompasses all social
51: 56) encounters as well. For
- “Did I not exhort you, example, if a Muslim acting
O children of Adam, according to the standards
saying, Do not worship of Islam, greets someone in
Satan. He is indeed your a nice way, helps his fellow
human being, stands against