Page 110 - Pure Life 31
P. 110

Islamic Model of Peaceful Coexistence… MR. Dodhiya and M. Ghanbari (109

                  It  is  therefore  upon             rather the verses are general
               human  beings  to  choose              and include all human beings.

               that  which  would  lead  to           Therefore, all human beings
               divine  mercy  which  in               are  created  for  the  above-

               other  words  is  known  as            mentioned purposes and all
               worship  and  refrain  from            of them enjoy the bounties
               that  which  would  cause              favored by God. This is an
               divine punishments alternately         important  key,  that  human

               known as sin.                          beings  regardless  of  their
                  The  whole  world  has              religion,  race, language,  or
               been created for us so that            any  other  differentiating

               we can attain these goals:             factors are created by default
                  “He  has  disposed  for             to  enjoy  His  blessings  and
                  you[r  benefit]  whatever           thereby attract even more.

                  is  in  the  heavens  and
                  whatever is on the earth;               3.  The  Principle  of  the
                                                             Rationality of Religion
                  all  is  from  Him.  There          The  primary  resource  of

                  are  indeed  signs  in  that        Islam  includes,  Quran,  the
                  for a people who reflect”.          Ahadith,  and  rationality.  It
                  (Quran, 45: 13)
                                                      is  a  divine  gift  used  not

                  One  important  thing  to           only  to  understand  and
               take note of here in light of          comprehend  but  to  deduct
               our discussion is that none            religious rulings as well as

               of  the  verses  talk  about           consent  to  something  that
               believers  or  non-believers,          might  not  be  exclusively
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