Page 109 - Pure Life 31
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               108  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (31): 93-144, Summer 2022
               oppression etc., all of these             Writing  about  the  above
               acts  will  be  considered  as         verse, Allamah Misbah says:
               worship  and  through  these              According with this verse
               acts, the person will be able             one  may  conclude  that

               to achieve the ultimate goal              the  ultimate  purpose  of
               of  creation  i.e.  attracting            creation  is  to  receive
               divine mercy.                             divine  mercy.  Therefore,
                  There  are  verses  in  the            the  eventual  goal  is  to

               Quran that point towards an               attain  divine  mercy  and
               even     higher     goal     for          the punishment mentioned
               creation  and  that  is  to               is a necessary requirement

               attract divine mercy:                     of  it.  This  is  because,
                  “Had your Lord wished,                 attaining  divine  mercy
                  He  would  have  made                  necessitates  human  free

                  mankind one community;                 will and human free will
                  but  they  continue  to                necessitates  that  there
                  differ,  except  those  on             are  at  least  two  options

                  whom  your  Lord  has                  for people, one that leads
                  mercy-  and  that  is  why             to  mercy  and  the  other
                  He created them- and the               naturally  would  be  the
                  word  of  your  Lord  has              one leading towards divine

                  been  fulfilled:  I  will              punishment. (Mesbah Yazdi,
                  surely  fill  hell  with  jinn         2022)
                  and humans, all together”.

                  (Quran, 11: 118-119)
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