Page 154 - Pure Life 31
P. 154

Model of Government-Clergy Interaction… M. Fahami and F. Pourkeyvan (153

                  -  The  clergy's  thirst  for          -  A  wrong  deed  is  in
                  power  will  lead  to                  contrast with the essence

                  corruption. (Imam Khomeini,            of the clergy. (Ibid: 421)
                  1999, Vol. 6: 285)                     -  Islamization  of  the

                  -  The  ruling  clergy                 clergy  in  the  Islamic
                  should  not  act  like  the            Republic  is  a  must.
                  diabolical  regime.  (Ibid,            (Ibid: 521)
                  Vol. 8: 1)                             - Denial of public freedom

                  -     In     the     Islamic           and     mistreatment       of
                  Republic,  the  clergy  is             people by the clergy will
                  more than anywhere else                play     into    foreigners'

                  susceptible  to  deviation.            hands. (Ibid, Vol. 9: 475)
                  (Ibid: 2)                              - Like every other scientific
                  -  The  ruling  clergy's               organ,  the  clergy  is

                  anti-Islam  acts  will  give           disorganized  and  needs
                  a wrong image of Islam.                reorganization. The issues
                  (Ibid: 3)                              will  not  be  resolved  by

                  -  The  clergy  is  required           playing  a  blame  game.
                  to prevent anti-Islam acts             (Ibid: 480)
                  by  the  turbaned  people.             - In the Islamic Republic,
                  (Ibid: 5)                              individual  and  collective

                  -  The  clergy  is  required           reforms  constitute  the
                  to prevent the corruption              divine and religious duty
                  of the clergy. (Ibid: 303)             of the clergy. (Ibid: 511)
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