Page 170 - Pure Life 31
P. 170

Model of Government-Clergy Interaction… M. Fahami and F. Pourkeyvan (169

                  Another       feature      of       economic crash in the long-
               neopatrimonialism, which is            term. (Ref: Alamdari, 1998: 12;

               clearly  observed  in  the             Huntington, 2006)
               Pahlavi  establishment,  is               Apart from the sociological

               concentration  on  nepotism            debates  about  the  Pahlavi
               and  cronyism  in  economic            governance, the phenomenon
               affairs. The Pahlavi regime            that  transpired  the  society
               relied  only  on  its  own             was the isolation of religion

               affiliates;  Of  course,  these        and promotion of secularism
               economic activities were often         in  the  society.  Traditions
               tainted with corruption and            which  constituted  a  key

               illegality.                            element  of  social  culture
                  The abundant petrodollars           were an opportunity missed
               in  the  1970s  worsened  the          by  the  regime.  On  the

               situation and stoked economic          contrary, the regime developed
               corruption. Short-term economic        new cultures which did not
               growth and boom could be               match  the  beliefs  of  a

               seen in such regimes due to            traditional  society,  thereby
               access  to  new  financial             widening  the  gap  between
               sources; however, corruption           the  people  and  the  regime
               in  the  political  system,            in power.

               individualism  and  limited
               distribution  of  wealth  due          Shia Clergy Stance against
               to  exclusive  trust  in  the          Pahlavi Secularism

               royal families would trigger           A main feature of the Shia
                                                      clergy is their belief in the
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