Page 190 - Pure Life 31
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Infectious Diseases and… Z. Zandie and SM. Mousawi (189

               other rights or basic human            if  we  consider  the  right  to
               values can take precedence             life  as  the  only  negative

               over the value of life. Life           right, then the scope of this
               is    morally      the    most         right  includes  only  the

               fundamental  element  of               prohibition  of  murder.  The
               human  value.  Life  in  this          essence  of  the  negative
               view  seems  to  be  the               right  is  summed  up  in  the
               source  and  origin  of  other         prohibition  of  others  about

               values.  Now,  if  life  is  a         it. Thus, the commitment of
               right,  the  question  will  be:       the  Government,  as  the
               Who is liable? Human rights            main obligation in protecting

               are  claims  and  demands              the  negative  rights  of
               that require an obligation to          others, is to confront those
               guarantee and respect them.            who  seek  to  take  the  lives

               Lawyers believe that human             of others or even their own
               rights are in fact legitimate          lives.  The  analysis  of  the
               demands and claims against             right    to    life    in    the

               the Government, which requires         theoretical  framework  of
               the  Government  to  be                the negative right is a very
               obliged  to  respect  human            minimal  analysis  of  this
               rights. (Ghari Syed Fatemi, 2016)      right. From such a right, it

                  In answer to the question           is  difficult  to  imagine  a
               of whether the right to life           commitment and obligation
               is  a  positive  or  negative          for  the  Government,  the

               right, it should be said that          individual or other members
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