Page 224 - Pure Life 31
P. 224
Infectious Diseases and… Z. Zandie and SM. Mousawi (223
In Iran, as in some cannot and should not be
countries, apart from some completely taken by
limited and scattered legal surprise in the face of
provisions, there is no natural, social, economic,
special scheme to deal with and health crises such as
biological weapons and the corona. Rather, it must
epidemic diseases such as make the right decisions
Corona, and this is a serious with foresight while
weakness for effective and strengthening the agility of
lawful action. In this regard, its structures and based on
it is necessary to design a citizen participation.
comprehensive system for
special conditions and
exceptional situations such I am grateful to all my
as pandemics, firstly to teachers over the years,
ensure the safety and health especially from my father
of citizens and secondly to who was my first teacher. I
comply with the principles ask God for their success
and health.
of the Constitution,
especially Article 79 of the
Constitution and related
Decision-making constitutes
the nature and philosophy
of the state, and the state