Page 219 - Pure Life 31
P. 219
218 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (31): 183-230, Summer 2022
the Islamic Consultative legal solution does not
Assembly and the approval serve the interests of the
of the relevant law in the country and the people or
Guardian Council. In addition, going through the legal
if the Government imposes process requires wasting
the necessary restrictions time and losing more
without the legal permission public interests. In such a
of the Parliament, anyone situation, he acts with his
can revoke the decision and authority to solve the
actions of the Government problem that has arisen as a
in imposing the necessary result of the emergency
restrictions, which are contrary situation. This authority of
to the procedure provided the Supreme Leader in the
for in Article 79 of the Iranian constitution can be
Constitution. considered similar to the
As long as this legal model of extra-legal actions;
solution serves the interests Of course, it should be
of the political system and noted that the Supreme
the nation, all governing Leader's exercise of
institutions are obliged to extraordinary powers is
accept this legal solution. extra-legal, not illegal,
But Constitution, by anticipating because it is done under
guardianship of Faqih, has specific criteria and with
given him the authority to the aim of providing
act in situations where this materials that the law is