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               222  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (31): 183-230, Summer 2022

               individuals  in  society  and          prevent  the  formation  of
               will be liable if it fails.            similar diseases. The protection
                  The  Right  to  Health  is          of  public  health  is  one  of
               another principle of Government        the     basic    duties     and

               responsible  for  infectious           responsibilities      of     the
               diseases.  According  to  the          Government,  so  whenever
               doctrine  of  due  diligence,          it    is    threatened,      the
               Governments  are  required             Government can, according

               to control infectious diseases,        to  the  law,  ignore  the
               regardless  of  whether  the           consent of sick people who
               threats  come  from  the               threaten public health.

               activities  of  public  or                According         to      the
               private institutions, legal or         findings  of  this  study,
               non-legal actions, or natural          during Corona, these liabilities

               disasters.                             for the Government can be
                  The      prevalence        of       enumerated:  Identification,
               Covid-19 disease has these             Determining       the     liable

               characteristics      and     its       authorities  and  institution,
               harmful consequences against           Education,  Liability  for
               public  health  have  been             prevention  and  treatment,
               scientifically proven. Therefore,      Establish      and      expand

               Governments are committed              insurance          protections,
               to taking the most effective           Compensation  for  victims,
               measures        possible      to       Judicial and political liability.

               prevent  its  spread  and
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