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220 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (31): 183-230, Summer 2022
uncontrollability, but issues socio-political issues, of which
such as the need to respect the Supreme National Security
human rights, the need to Council is the competent
compensate for disasters or authority, according to the
Government misconduct, as note of Article 12 of this
well as the right of local law. Therefore, in Iran,
authorities to object to the where the National Corona
central Government, challenge Headquarter has been
this uncontrollability. established as a sub-council
In Iran, according to of the Supreme National
Articles 10 and 12 of the Security Council in
Law on the Organization accordance with Article 176
and Procedure of the Court of the Constitution (1989), it
of Administrative Justice (2003), is out of the administrative
if there is an illegal proceedings of the
restriction or disqualification Administrative Court of
in an emergency, the Court Justice. (Ghamami, 2021)
of Administrative Justice It is important to
can investigate the matter; anticipate specific regulations
Of course, the review of in environmental protection
this court is not automatic that are not mentioned in
and relies on litigation. the regulations. For example,
Nevertheless, it is not in the case of Corona,
possible to file a lawsuit sanitary waste and repeated
regarding security and use of disinfectants caused