Page 222 - Pure Life 31
P. 222
Infectious Diseases and… Z. Zandie and SM. Mousawi (221
a lot of environmental damage, enshrined in international
and it is appropriate for human rights instruments
Iranian law to provide a depends. This right is so
legal solution to the effects important that it cannot be
and consequences of the ignored even in an
actions of the Government emergency. The right to
and the people. life in disturbed situations
may be endangered. Failure
Conclusion to provide the necessary
In this article, we address provisions in dealing with
the important question of those who violate the right
why Government should be to life of others is itself a
socially responsible in the violation of this
event of a pandemic. What fundamental human right.
is this social responsibility Also, leaving the hands of
and how is it exercised? It certain groups and
was explained that individuals in the attack on
philosophically, the Right the life of others is another
to Life and the Right to manifestation of the
Health are the basis of legal violation of the right to life.
authority to intervene in the Therefore, in the case of
field of infectious diseases. Corona, the Government
The Right to Life is the has a positive duty to
most fundamental human protect the right to life of
right on which the
implementation of the rights