Page 239 - Pure Life 31
P. 239
238 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (31): 231-250, Summer 2022
Based on Table 2, it is 2. Description of Village
explained that most Head Leadership
(73.29%) of the people in Leaders are individuals who
the study area rate the lead and leaders are traits
public services provided by that must be possessed by a
the village government in leader, while leadership is
the high category and 52 an effort to influence others
percent rate it very high. by providing encouragement
There are 7.94 percent of and guidance in working
the people who assess the together to pursue mutually
public services provided by agreed goals. (Badu, 2017: 32)
the village government in
the low category.
Table 3: Distribution of Village Head Leadership Frequency
Interval Category F Percentage (%)
13 - 16 Very high 50 18.05
9 - 12 High 202 72.92
5 - 8 Low 24 8.66
1 - 4 Very low 1 0.36
Total 277 100.00
Source: Badan Pusan Statistik Provinsi Jambi, 2022