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               100  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (32): 99-145, Autumn. 2022

               Introduction                           clarify  this  issue,  it  is
               Ethics has always been one             necessary  to  pay  attention
               of the most essential issues           to     it   from      different
               in     human       life     and        sociological, psychological,
               addressing this issue is one           historical  and  educational

               of the most important tasks            angles, but one of the most
               of  any  researcher  who  has          obvious  causes  of  moral
               intellectual  and  practical           problems in the societies is

               concerns  about  education.            the  lack  of  attention  to
               Ethics  and  happiness  can            moral       education       and
               be considered as a coin.               teaching moral  concepts in

                  Therefore      the    moral         families and schools.
               education  of  children  and              This  article  deals  with
               adolescents  is  one  of  the          this  key  issue  with  an

               most  important  issues  in            educational  look  at  the
               our education, which needs             discussion  of  ethics  with
               to be studied as deeply and            emphasis       on     religious
               fundamentally as possible.             sources  in  order  to  take  a

                  In    Islamic     societies,        step     towards     cognitive
               despite     the     fact    that       grounding in the formation
               religion is always a serious           of  a  moral  society  by

               basis,  we  are  witnessing            explaining  the  concept  of
               serious  moral  crises,  while         ethics,    approaches       and
               one  of  the  most  important          methods         of       moral

               religious  principles  is  to          education.  There  is  no
               pay  attention  to  ethics  and        single  unanimously  agreed
               ethics. Although in order to           upon  definition  of  moral
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