Page 102 - Pure Life 32
P. 102

Moral Education of Adolescents… A.S Hosseini Dehshiri (101

               education. (Ref: Althof and            be  synonymously  to  moral
               Berkowitz,  2006;  Swaner,             education.

               2005)                                     The adolescent's attention
                  In  addition,  the  term            to  goodness  and  goodness
               “character  education”  is             is  sometimes  to  prove  his

               often  used  synonymously              personality, because he can
               to it. (Ref: Algera and Sink,          develop  his  personality
               2002; Althof and Berkowitz,            only with good and correct

               2006; Arthur, 2011; Arthur             performance,         but      in
               and Carr, 2013; Berkowitz              principle,  the  adolescent  is
               and Bier, 2007; Revell, 2002;          interested in and inclined to

               Uusiautti, 2012)                       goodness.  The  emotional
                  Similarly “Values education”        characteristics of adolescents
               (Schuitema et al, 2008) and            evoke deep moral feelings.

               “Citizenship education” (Ref:             He  is  eager  for  purity
               Pike, 2010; Schuitema et al,           and  virtue,  mercy  and
               2011)  are  used  to  describe         compassion,       truth     and
               moral  education.  Some                righteousness,  justice  and

               researchers (Uusiautti, 2012)          fairness, uniformity and all
               consider character education           human dignity. The intensity
               to be one of the approaches            of  his  interest  in  these

               of moral education.                    values  makes  him  upset
                  In    this    article    any        and  angry  at  any  inhuman
               reference to character education,      behavior.

               values      education,      and           He is not able to tolerate
               citizenship  education  shall          such  actions  from  anyone
                                                      and  when  he  sees  such
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