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               102  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (32): 99-145, Autumn. 2022

               inappropriate       behaviors,            This  aspect  of  teaching
               especially  involuntary  and           has  been  largely  neglected
               involuntary cruel behaviors,           in the broader discussion of
               he  immediately  opens  his            moral,  character,  and  civic
               mouth  to  protest.  The               education as each discipline

               adolescent wants to rise up            is  described  in  theory  and
               against      any      injustice,       practice. (Ibid, 1)
               perversion and impurity, he               Moral development refers

               desires  the  rule  of  human          to  the  development  of  a
               values in all societies.               sense of values and ethical
                  Research  on  character             behavior. Adolescents’ cognitive

               education       and      moral         development,  in  part,  lays
               education  has  taken  the             the  groundwork  for  moral
               form of evaluating ideological         reasoning,  honesty,  and

               theories and specific programs;        prosocial behaviors such as
               yet  little  research  has             helping, volunteerism, or caring
               recognized  the  full  context         for others. (Eisenberg et al,
               of students' moral development         1995)

               as  it  happens  in  practice.            Accordingly,  the   main

               (Pendese, 2011)                        research  question  is  what
                  Furthermore,  the  way  in          are  the  goals,  principles

               which  to  help  students  to          and  methods  of  moral
               become  moral  is  less  clear         education based on religious
               and based upon entrenched              teachings?

               beliefs regarding the origins
               of morality.
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