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               104  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (32): 99-145, Autumn. 2022

               to  things  that  cause  honor         of  their  actions  and  the
               and pride.                             rules     and      regulations.
                  Zaman-Danesh (1993) has             Recidivism among teenagers
               researched  about  the  types          is  not  very  high.  The
               of  crimes  committed  by              number  of  delinquent  girls

               teenagers  and  the  causes            is  very  low  compared  to
               and motives of committing              delinquent boys.
               crimes.  According  to  his               Cheung  and  Lee  (2010)

               research, all over the world,          indicate  in  school,  moral
               theft  is  the  most  important        education takes the form of
               crime committed by teenagers.          instructional  lessons  that

               Harming  and  destroying               include  ethical  concepts
               others is one of the juvenile          and  discussion  sessions  on
               crimes.  Traffic  violations           the  ethical  issues  in  which

               in  teenagers  are  more  than         students participate. The first
               adults .  Teenagers  are  less         usually  represents  moral
               likely  to  commit  murder.            education  lessons,  and  the
               Resorting  to  force  and              second can be in religious,

               trickery  to  commit  crimes           civic,  social,  or  public
               is  rare  among  teenagers.            affairs.  Findings  indicate  a
               Teenagers  often  commit               weak share ethical discussion

               crimes  in  groups  (two  or           and  participation  is  about
               three or more) by forming a            moral discourse.
               group  by  chance  and                    Hubble (2017) states in an

               sometimes  out  of  curiosity          article that indoctrination is
               and  as  a  joke  and  fun             a major issue in education.
               without knowing the results            It  is  considered  as  one  of
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