Page 201 - Pure Life 32
P. 201
200 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (32): 191-211, Autumn. 2022
Due to the certainty and There is a consensus on
clarity of the money's the undeniable influence of
sources at the time of the time and place in fatwas
prophet, zakat was made and rulings and the majority
obligatory in nine cases as of Imami jurisprudents are
well as in other financial of this opinion.
situations, even though it In each period, the role
was not required in all of time and place is
cases according to the precisely considered by the
actual meaning and usage jurists and can be seen in
of wealth in the Quran. the conclusions.
This does not mean that In this regard, regarding
other items are ineligible commercial property, it is
for zakat; rather, the discussed that time and
Islamic ruler from the place play an important
position of the province role in determining the
might declare zakat obligatory examples of zakat on
on other items outside the commercial property and
nine items depending on making it mandatory.
the requirements of the The influence of rulings
society and the variance in on time and place has
the sources of income in the different forms, the most
communities, for example, important of which are:
the imams like Imam Ali, - Change of judgment due
set new examples for collecting to change of topics. (Sadr ,
zakat. (Imam Khomeini, 2006) 2012, Vol. 1)