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Scientometrics Analysis… A. Karimi et al / (219

               ethics     is    exponentially         articles printed from January
               increasing.  They  moreover            2014  to  Sept  2019.  The

               established  that  whereas             authors searched PubMed for
               one  could  expect  digital            the  relevant  publications
               ethics  to  be  a  species  of         and  extracted  the  data

               ethics,  we  tend  to  actually        employing a data extraction
               found  that  the  assorted             sheet.  Twenty-nine  articles
               queries     relating     digital       were  enclosed  for  the

               ethics     square      measure         review,  that  consummated
               preponderantly being mentioned         the inclusion criteria. Case-
               in engineering science, law            based  discussions  were  a

               and bioscience. It's in these          wide  accepted  strategy  to
               fields,  quite  within  the            be  told  ethics.  The  studies
               freelance  field  of  ethics,          highlighted a mixed teaching

               that  moral  discourse  is             approach victimization multiple
               being  developed  around               teaching tools.
               concrete  and  sometimes                  A  qualitative  approach
               technical problems. Moreover,          was most well-liked for the

               it  seems  that  some  vital           assessment through reflections,
               moral values square measure            simulated patient interactions,
               terribly  distinguished  in            and development of portfolios.

               one field (e.g: Autonomy in            However,  there  are  gaps
               medical  science),  whereas            within the existing literature
               being nearly absent in others.         on the assessment methods

                  Souza and Vaswani, (2020)           for ethics education.
               in a analysis regarding teach             Heterogeneousness  still
               medical ethics, reviewed the           exists within the coming up
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