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216 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (32): 213-244, Autumn. 2022
placed on exploration in different fields. Discovering
which the development and the scientific fronts and
medium of wisdom are identifying its gaps and
studied with fine and planning in the direction of
statistical styles. targeting and research
In scientometrics, scientific benefits can be introduced
communication and styles as a necessity for a good
of product, dispersion and science.
use of scientific Also, this important matter
information are estimated plays a role in helping the
laterally by examining their future thinking of science
sources. (Pournaghi and in the world. Rapid
Nemati-Anaraki, 2015; measurement and evaluation
Zavaraqi and Fadaie, 2013) of scientific productions at
Valid international citation the macro level is one of the
indexes such as web of necessities of scientometrics.
science citation databases, Measuring and evaluating
Journal citation report In scientific productions using
cites and the like. internationally accepted
Also, Elsevier Institute's indicators and providing the
citation databases, including possibility of comparing them
Scopus, Scival, and Google can provide significant help
Scholar, are considered to researchers and research
scientometric tools. scales.
Scientometrics has the The difficulty of qualitative
benefits of very useful assessment of the huge
results for researchers in volume of international