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               220  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (32): 213-244, Autumn. 2022

               with  of  the  curricula,              Methodology
               teaching,  and  assessment             This  article  is  descriptive-
               strategies.  These  curricula          applied  and  has  been
               suit  the  cultural  and  non          carried  out  in  the  field  of
               secular  originated  of  that          scientometrics. It is formed

               individual  country.  Case-            based on the illustration of
               based discussion could be a            co-occurrence networks and
               common  teaching  strategy,            can  produce,  visualize  and

               and  there  exist  various             analyze  the  bibliography
               innovative  and  efficient             based on a network among
               active teaching methods.               the  documents  of  many

                  Research  on  ethics  is  of        scientific publications.
               special     importance      and           The  data  was  collected
               scientometrics will facilitate         from Science Direct scientific

               analysisers  for  effective            database as a comprehensive
               research. This type of analysis        and multidisciplinary citation
               will facilitate analysisers to         profile  and  the  network
               figure  in  a  very  new  field        drawing  tool  was  done

               and make effective research.           using VOS Viewer software.
               Supported  this,  the  present            The statistical population
               analysis  aims  to  draw  a            of  the  research,  all  the

               thematic  map  of  revealed            articles  of  this  scientific
               articles  during  this  field          database  published  from
               and  to  spot  hot  and  new           1999      to     2022      were

               topics.                                examined.  At  first,  14103
                                                      articles    were     identified
                                                      with  the  help  of  the
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