Page 222 - Pure Life 32
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Scientometrics Analysis… A. Karimi et al / (221
keyword “Ethical Education”, has been developed due to
and by limiting them, the its easy interpretation.
number of articles was
reduced, and in the next Findings
place, a large number of Figure 1. shows the growth
articles were removed due trend of scientific productions
to lack of connection, and in the field of ethics
similar, identical, plural education during the years
and singular words were 1999-2022 in the Science
merged and with Removing Direct citation profile using
the articles of other topics Excel software. As can be
manually, the final number seen, the number of articles
has been on an upward
of articles reached 11116.
Finally, with the expert trend since the beginning.
option, they were extracted The lowest share of
in 36 RIS files and entered scientific productions is in
into VOS Viewer software. 1999 with 137 records and
VOSViewer software has the highest share is in 2021
become popular in with 1,121 records.
bibliographic research and