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Scientometrics Analysis… A. Karimi et al / (217

               scientific  productions  and              As an example, lecturers
               the  necessity  of  using              ought  to  have  their  own

               statistical  tools,  identifying       skilled  ethics,  and  medical
               the  scientific  fields  of            ethics  may  be  a  structured
               interest in leading countries          and  sensible  system  to

               and  comparing  them  with             produce applicable solutions
               competing  countries,  in              in  regard  to  moral  issues
               order  to  formulate  correct          within  the  field of  medical

               strategic  plans,  is  another         sciences,  and  odontology,
               one  of  these  necessities.           like alternative branches of
               (Bornmann and Leydesdorff,             medical  sciences,  wants

               2014;  Chen  et  al,  2002;            such  it's  structural.  Moral
               Mingers  and  Leydesdorff,             behaviors in dentists square
               2015)                                  measure  a  mirrored  image

                  Cultivating ethical virtues         of  the  stress  on  teaching
               is  one  in  every  of  the            moral principles throughout
               foremost  necessary  and  at           their education.
               constant  time  most  tough               Engineers  and  managers

               tasks, and doing this task is          and  every  one  jobs  aren't
               one  in  every  of  the                exempt  from  this  issue.
               necessary and lofty goals of           Meanwhile, research within

               human        societies,     that       the field of ethics education
               establishments  of  upper              is  increasing  and  also  the
               education  and  education              got  to  examine  them  is  of

               square measure answerable.             explicit importance.
               (Coverdale et al, 2009)                   Most  of  the  research  in
                                                      the background of the research
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