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               218  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (32): 213-244, Autumn. 2022

               was related to the fields of           will  result  in  measurable
               medicine  and  nursing,  a             enhancements  in  resident-
               few of which are mentioned.            centered outcomes, that embody
                  Coverdale  et  al,  (2009)          data  and  confidence  in
               stated  that  psychiatrical            handling  moral  dilemmas.

               educators  should  promote             These      curricula     might
               evidence-based and ethically           result  in  enhancements  in
               even  behaviors  in  learners          patient care. These findings

               and active physicians through          counsel that ethics education
               example  and  by  formal               for  surgical  residents  is
               teaching.  These  processes            effective     however       that

               along  can  change  patients           queries  relating  to  the
               to  trust  the  ability  of            optimum  “dose”  of  ethics
               psychiatrists which psychiatrists      education  and  coaching

               can  serve  the  interests  of         moreover       because       the
               patients initial.                      optimum  teaching  ways
                  Helft et al, (2009)  In thier       would  get  pleasure  from
               article regarding ethics education     extended systematic analysis

               in  undergrad  school  of              and inquiry.
               medicine,  they  review  the              Mahieu  et  al,  (2018)
               literature  regarding  ethics          research with this question:

               education  in  postgraduate            However  the  sector  of
               surgical coaching programs.            digital  ethics  is  distributed
               The  few studies within the            over varied tutorial disciplines.

               literature counsel that ethics         They  need  initial  of  all
               education,  once  integrated           found  that  the  quantity  of
               in surgical residency curricula,       publications relating digital
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