Page 78 - Pure Life 32
P. 78
The Effect Quality of the Intercultural Dialogues… S.H.A. Shah Rizvi and M. Alviri / (77
Lord. No fear for them, nor us to communicate with
will they grieve. (Quran, 2: 62) them and conversing.
- For the [Muslim] People of the Book are
believers, the Jews, the the class on which Islam
Sabians, and the Christians- had a great emphasis and
those who believe in God pushed Muslims forward to
and the Last Day and do engage in dialogue with
good deeds- there is no them upon the commonalities:
fear: they will not grieve. - Say, People of the Book,
(Ibid, 5: 69) let us arrive at a statement
- As for the believers, those that is common to us all:
who follow the Jewish we worship God alone, we
faith, the Sabians, the ascribe no partner to Him,
Christians, the Magians, and none of us takes others
and the idolaters, God will beside God as lords.
judge between them on the (Quran, 3: 64)
Day of Resurrection; God - [Believers], argue only in
witnesses all things. (Ibid, the best way with the
22: 17) People of the Book, except
with those of them who act
6. Dialogue with People unjustly. Say, ‘We believe
of the Book in what was revealed to us
Getting aware of the and in what was revealed
Quranic classification of to you; our God and your
people, we have to know God is one [and the same];
who the Quran encourages we are devoted to Him.
(Ibid, 29: 46)