Page 77 - Pure Life 32
P. 77
76 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (32): 61-97, Autumn. 2022
who (conduct) their affairs - Believers who believe in
by mutual consultation, and One God and the teachings
who spend of what We have of the Prophet Muhammad.
bestowed on them. (Quran, Hypocrites are included
42: 38) within the group of
Muslims since they were
- And by the Mercy of outwardly pretending to be
Allah, you dealt with them believers even as they were
gently. And had you been inwardly defecting from
severe and harsh-hearted Islam and scheming against
they would have broken the Muslims.
away from about you; so - Unbelievers and polytheists,
pass over (their fault), and who are classed together as
ask (Allah’s) Forgiveness mushrikin, who deny God or
for them; and consult them associate a partner with God.
in affairs. Then when you - People of the Book refers
have taken a decision, put to those who follow a
your trust in Allah, divine book and a prophet
certainly, Allah loves those sent by God that including
who put their trust (in Him). Jews, Christian and Sabians:
(Ibid, 3: 159)
- The [Muslim] believers,
5. Quranic Classification the Jews, the Christians,
of People and the Sabians- those who
Erol and Kurucan (2012) believe in God and the Last
observed that the Quranic Day and do good- will have
text distinguishes three their rewards with their