Page 76 - Pure Life 32
P. 76

The Effect Quality of the Intercultural Dialogues… S.H.A. Shah Rizvi and M. Alviri / (75

               figure  out  which  one  is            environmental        pollution,
               more connected to God and              unfair      distribution      of

               the most honored by Him.               economic  gains,  disease,
                  O  people,  we  created             poverty, collapse of family
                  you  all  from  a  single           values,  fanaticism  in  the

                  man      and     a    single        name  of  race,  religion  and
                  woman,  and  made  you              nationalism,  and  problems
                  into  races  and  tribes  so        threatening  world  peace

                  that  you  should  get  to          such  as  terrorism,  war  and
                  know  one  another.  In             exploitation  to  the  Quran
                  God’s  eyes,  the  most             asking for the solution, the

                  honored  of  you  are  the          Quranic        answer        for
                  ones  most  mindful  of             problem solving dialogue is
                  Him: God is all knowing,            consultation        that      is

                  all aware. (Quran, 49: 13)          considered  as  conducting
                                                      method for the great affairs.
                   4.  Problem Solving                   Consultation       in     the

               According to Islamic faith-            Quranic      usage     is    the
               based      peacemaking,        a       peacemaker’s  asking  for
               peacemaker        should     be        taking     assistance      from

               starting  with  the  external          people  around  him  by
               shared  problems  taking               dialogue  and  practicing
               them  to  Islamic  holy                finally  on  a  decision  made

               scriptures. (Sadr, 2007)               out of the process of dialogue:
                  If a peacemaker takes the           - And those who answer the
               global  problems  such  as             call  of  their  Lord  and
               moral            degeneration,
                                                      perform  the  prayer  and
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