Page 79 - Pure Life 32
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               78  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (32): 61-97, Autumn. 2022

                   7.  Dialogue with Common              The non-Muslims mentioned
                      People                          in this verse clearly include
               Imam  Ali  classifies  people          any  non-Muslims,  not  just
               in his letter to Malik Ashtar          People of the Book.
               in to main classes:

               “Our  brothers  in  faith  or          Islamic Peacemaking Model
               our  similar  in  creation”.           based        on       Prophet
               (Nahj al-Balaghah, Letter 53)          Muhammad’s Tradition

                  Accordingly,  we  must              Now  to  make  this  paper
               respect not only those who             more        practical       and
               share  our  faith  but  that           problem-based         research,

               group  of  people  shares  the         we  firstly  start  moving
               nature  of  creation  with  us.        from  the  external  problem
               So  based  on  this  doctrine,         of peacemaking toward the

               we communicate with them               Islamic  Model  of  peace  in
               through       dialogue      and        Medina  (the  tradition  of
               mutual  respect  to  build  a          Prophet  Muhammad),  and
               peaceful  coexistence  in  a           secondly  move  within  the

               shared environment.                    context  of  early  Islam  in
                  The Holy Quran says:                Medina  to  discover  the
                  And  He  does  not  forbid          Islamic peacemaking model

                  you  to  deal  kindly  and          for  Muslims  behavior  in
                  justly  with  anyone  who           their  everyday  life.  This
                  has  not  fought  you  for          way of referring to Islam is

                  your  faith  or  driven  you        called      “making       silent
                  out  of  your  homes:  God          scripture  to  be  talking”  by
                  loves the just. (Quran, 60: 8)      the Martyr Sadr. (Sadr, 2007)
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