Page 158 - Pure Life 33
P. 158

The Position of Intellect in the… S.J. Ebrahimi & H. Sadeqi (157

                  Have they not contemplated             what  is  observed  for,  so
                  that in an inferential and             their consideration of the

                  authentic  view?  (Saduq,              heavens  and  the  earth
                  1993: 28)                              and  His  creation  made
                                                         as  of  their  dominions
                  He  drew  a  conclusion                and  Allah’s  kingdom;
               that  the  result  of  this               because  Allah  does  not
               inferential     thought     and           create  but  of  which  He
               perspective  is  to  imply  the           possesses and is capable

               creatures  over  the  Creator             of. (Ibid: 27)
               and negate anthropomorphism

               and  corporeality  from  the              Thinking         on       the
               Lord. As respects, he wrote:           creatures        not       only
                  Thus,  they  deduced  of            considered  permissible  but
                  which  for  their  Creator          also  necessary  by  Sheikh

                  and Owner. (Ibid)                   Saduq  since  necessitates
                                                      achievement         of       the
                  Regarding  the  meaning             transcendental  recognition

               of  the  above-mentioned               of  Allah  as  well  as  the
               verse,  he  elaborated  again          creatures  denote  on  their
               concerning  this  type  of             Creator.

               thought in creatures and the              As      already       stated,
               transcendental  recognition            intellect  is  accepted  by  all
               of Allah as follows:                   Shia      transmitters      and
                  Have they not contemplated          theologians  as  an  esoteric

                  and thought the creatures           divine argumentum.
                  among  the  heavens  and

                  the  earth  according  to
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