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               156  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10 (33): 131-167, Winter. 2023
               back  to  intuition. (Atkinson,        thought,  not  philosophical
               1990: 100)                             logical        argumentation,

                                                      apprehended  out  of  verses
               Perspective and Research               of the Quran.
               in  the  Thought  of  Sheikh              Allah said:

               Saduq                                     “Have         they        not
               Some      terms      such     as          contemplated the dominions
               perspective  and  research                of  the  heavens  and  the
               have      been      frequently            earth, and whatever things

               applied  in  the  books  of               Allah     has     created?”
               Sheikh Saduq. These terms                 (Quran, 7: 185)

               and  their  meaning  are
               among  the  terms  which                   Sheikh Saduq hereunder
               have been largely discussed            of  the  abovesaid  verse
               and  pondered  throughout              considered  the  meaning  of

               the  history  of  Imamiyyah            the term Nadhar as thought
               and non-Imamiyyah theology,            and wrote:
               so    that    everyone      has           Have         they        not

               expressed      his    particular          contemplated the dominions
               meaning for while ironically              of  the  heavens  and  the
               criticized  others  because               earth,  and  the  wonders

               they  have  not  understood               of      their     creation ?
               such.                                     (Saduq, 1993: 28)
                  The  term  perspective,  in

               the works of Sheikh Saduq,                Then he indicated to the
               has  been  applied  as  the            type  of  this  contemplative
               meaning        of      absolute        perspective and stated:
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