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               170  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10 (33): 169-217, Winter. 2023
               Introduction                              Referring  to  the  steady-
               The  Big  Bang  theory  and               state  model;  (Ref:  Bondi

               the  standard  cosmological               and  Gold,  1948;  Hoyle
               models  based  on  it  imply              1948;  Ibid,  1975;  Ibid,
               the world’s temporal finitude.            1992;  Ibid,  1994;  Bondi

               The       temporally      finite          1960;  Ibid,  1961;  Hoyle
               universe,  most  physicists               and     Narlikar,     1980;
               believe,  must  have  been                Stanley, 1974; Brush, 1992;

               created  out  of  nothing.  For           Ellis, 1993) or if it started
               some       physicists       and           with  the  Big  Bang,  the
               philosophers,  this  implies              beginning  of  the  present

               some unfortunate metaphysical             world  would  not  be  out
               and  theological  results.  To            of nothingness, but rather
               avoid  such  implications,                from        within        the

               scientists  and  philosophers             inaccessible  pre-big-bang
               have  thought  of  some                   universe(s);   e.g:    Cyclic
               scenarios.                                cosmologies, (Penrose 2010;
                  The      most      important           Steinhardt and Turok 2007)

               scenarios,  developed  and                loop quantum cosmology
               discussed  in  the  last  few             (Rovelli  2004;  Bojowald
               decades, have been:                       2009)  and  string  theory.

                  1.  The  universe  is  not             (Gasperini, 2008)
                  temporally  finite,  but
                  rather  is  pre-eternal.  So,           2.    The     universe    is

                  either  the  universe  has              temporally  finite,  and
                  always  been  and  will  be             such  a  universe  must
                  at    the    same      state:           have been created out of
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