Page 174 - Pure Life 33
P. 174

Quantum Fluctuation… M.S. Mousavi Karimi (173

               of the world out of nothing.              To  reach  this  aim  the
               According to some physicists,          main      assumptions       and

               quantum  fluctuation  is  the          implications  of  modern
               phenomenon  that  can  play            cosmology          will      be
               this role.                             explained briefly.

                  In  this  paper,  it  will  be         Discussing       the     two
               shown  that  the  models               important  physical  models,
               based  on  this  phenomenon            based        on       quantum

               are  indeed  explaining  the           phenomena  for  explaining
               creation  of  the  universe,           the creation of the universe
               not out of nothing, but from           out  of  nothing-the  Tryon-
               something.                             Vilenkin  and  Hawking-
                                                      Hartle models- is the matter

                                                      of the second section.
               1. Contrary to the Big Bang model         In  the  final  section,  it
               which proposes the creation of the
               whole    universe   at   t=0,   its    will  be  shown  that  no
               unsuccessful  rival  theory,  i.e:  The   physical  theory  can  ever
               Steady-State  model,  assumes  the     explain  the  creation  of  the
               continuous creation of new matter.     universe  out  of  nothing  by
               Although  this  is  a  dead  theory
               now,  Grünbaum  (1989,  1991,          appealing  to  the  laws  of
               1993&1998)  has  interpreted  it  in   nature.  This  means  that
               such  a  way  to  show  that  the      creatio  ex  nihilo  of  the
               continuous creation of matter in this   universe out of nothing can
               theory  is  not  a  case  of  creatio  ex
               nihilo;   rather   is   a   physical   only        be       explained
               phenomenon     which    can   be       metaphysically by appealing
               explained    scientifically   by       to some external causes.
               appealing  to  the  laws  of  nature.
               (Ref: Mousavi Karimi, 2011)
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