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               174  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10 (33): 169-217, Winter. 2023
               The Main Assumptions and                   created (or emerged) out
               Implications  of  Modern                   of nothing some billions

               Cosmology                                  of years ago.
               Concerning  the  issue  at
               hand, the main assumptions                Although some philosophers

               and implications of modern             find    these     assumptions
               cosmology          can       be        controversial, most cosmologists
               categorized as follows:                consider  them  as  plausible

                   -  The  universe-as-a-             assumptions and implications
                   whole,  to  use  Smith’s           of modern cosmology:
                   categorizing  (1995),  is             1.  Cosmology  is  the

                   true     organic     unity.           study of the structure and
                                                         the  evolution  of  the
                   Accordingly,  it  is  not
                   the case that if the parts            world-as-a-whole.  (Rees

                   of    the     world      are          1998: 53)
                   explained,  the  whole  of         By  the  world,  I  mean
                   the world is explained too.        simply  everything  whose

                                                      existential  source  is  the
                   -  Modern  cosmology
                   implies  the  temporal             initial singularity, including
                   finitude  of  the  universe        singularity itself. “Everything”

                   as a whole.                        then  includes  all  entities,
                                                      their      properties       and
                   -  The  temporal  finitude         relations  with  each  other,
                   of  the  universe  implies         laws  of  nature,  etc.  which

                   the  temporal  beginning           have  appeared  since  the
                   of the universe. That is,          Big  Bang  some  billions  of

                   our  universe  has  been           years ago.
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