Page 172 - Pure Life 33
P. 172
Quantum Fluctuation… M.S. Mousavi Karimi (171
nothing. The creatio ex nihilo. (e.g: Smith, 1988;
nihilo of the world, Ibid; 1994a; Ibid, 1994b)
however, is a causal
physical phenomenon, Nowadays most scientists
and hence, can be agree that neither of the
explained scientifically scientific models being
by appealing to the laws presented to show the pre-
of nature. (e.g: The eternality of the world has
Tryon-Vilenkin and proved satisfactory. There is
Hawking-Hartle models) either no experimental
evidence supporting them
3. The universe is (cyclic cosmologies, loop
temporally finite, and yet quantum cosmology and
does not have a string theory) or there is
temporal beginning. indeed strong experimental
That is to say, the evidence against them (the
temporal finite universe steady-state theory).
always existed. (e.g: Scenario (1) therefore is not
Grünbaum 1991; Ibid, 1994) popular today. Scenarios (3)
and (4) are indeed
4. The universe is philosophical interpretations
temporally finite, and it of scenario (2). They are
is not the case that it neither the only nor the
always existed. However, most important philosophical
the creation of the theories in this case.
universe is a spontaneous This is indeed where
uncaused origination ex
philosophers’ opinions diverge