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               172  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10 (33): 169-217, Winter. 2023
               sharply  from  each  other:            cosmologists,         however,
               some believe in God as the             who      believe     that    all

               creator and the sustainer of           phenomena          can       be
               the  universe,  and  some              explained scientifically, have
               consider  the  existence  of           found scenario (2) the most

               the universe as a brute fact           desirable option for scientists.
               needing  no  explanation.                 Gribbin (1986: 392), for
               The        importance         of       instance,  claims  that  the

               scenarios  (3)  and  (4),              suggested       models        of
               however,  is  that  they  have         creation in modern physics
               been  theorized  in  reaction          leave  no  place  for  the

               to  the  implications  of              traditional      metaphysical
               modern cosmology.                      attitude  to  creation  since
                  In  this  paper,  I  do  not        such  models  well  explain

               intend to examine scenarios            how the universe can create
               (1),  (3),  and  (4).  Rather  I       itself  from  nothingness  at
               aim to discuss and criticize           time zero (t=0).
               scenario (2).                             He       concludes       that

                  Contrary to philosophers,           philosophers theorize beyond

               for  whom  the  problem  of            their  domain.   Gribbin’s
               the origin of the world has            claim  reflects  the  idea  of

               always  been  a  matter  of            some  cosmologists  who
               discussion,  most  scientists,         believe       that     internal
               as Hoyle (1975: 166) says,             elements  of  the  universe

               consider      this     problem         are  sufficient  to  explain,
               “outside  the  range  of               both  epistemologically  and
               scientific discussion”. Some           ontologically,  the  creation
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