Page 176 - Pure Life 33
P. 176
Quantum Fluctuation… M.S. Mousavi Karimi (175
By this definition, therefore, whole knowledge branch of
I preclude non-physical modern cosmology is
eternal entities, platonic indeed based on.
worlds of abstract entities,
pre-Big Bang worlds, etc. if 2. It is now a widely
there are such entities and accepted view that
existents. modern cosmology started
The identity of the in 1917 when Einstein
world-as-a-whole is similar considered the world-as-
to the identity of what a-whole and tried to
Smith (1995: 301) calls “an apply the theory of
organic unity”, and is the general relativity to it.
result of a special relation
between a whole and its 1. In Hume’s Dialogues Concerning
parts. In general, Smith Natural Religion (2007: 65-6)
distinguishes four kinds of Cleanthes says: But the WHOLE,
you say, wants a cause… Did I
relations. (Ref: Ibid) show you the particular causes of
An organic unity is such each individual in a collection of
that its parts have some twenty particles of matter, I should
think it very unreasonable, should
specific type of ordering you afterwards ask me, what was
relation with each other so the cause of the whole twenty. This
that the unity finds some explaining the cause of the parts.
properties in addition to the However, as Gale’s (1991: 254)
individual properties of the existence of each part of an
parts. Whether philosophers automobile has a causal
explanation, but this does not
accept this assumption or explain the existence of the
not, this is the fact that the automobile.