Page 183 - Pure Life 33
P. 183
182 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10 (33): 169-217, Winter. 2023
problem in the (1965), having solved the
phenomenon of quantum equations of general
fluctuation. relativity, Friedmann was
impressed by the odd
Quantum Fluctuation and singularity conditions at the
Creatio Ex Nihilo time t=0, naming it “the
Singularity shows the state of the world’s creation
temporal finitude of the out of nothing”.
world, and the temporal The creatio ex nihilo,
finitude of the universe however, seems to be a
implies that “we would problematic notion for
truly have a creation ex cosmologists. As Andrei
nihilo”. (Barrow and Tipler, Linde (1984: 976) says,
1996: 442) This is because “The most difficult aspect
as one goes back in time, of this problem is not the
one reaches a point at existence of the singularity
which the universe was itself, but the question of
“shrunk down to nothing at what was before the
all”. (Hoyle, 1975: 658) singularity... This problem
It seems, therefore, what lies somewhere at the
the Big Bang model boundary between physics
requires is that the universe and metaphysics”.
had a beginning and was Gribbin (1976: 15) asks
created out of nothing. the same question: The
Years before the biggest problem with the
publication of the Big Bang theory of the
Hawking-Penrose article
origin of the universe is