Page 184 - Pure Life 33
P. 184

Quantum Fluctuation… M.S. Mousavi Karimi (183

               philosophical- perhaps even            such  as  momentum  or
               theological-  what  was  there         energy, which occurs in the

               before the big bang?                   world       of      subatomic
                  Clearly  by  asking  “what          particles  according  to  the
               was  before  the  Big  Bang”           laws of probability. One of

               neither  Linde  nor  Gribbin           the  bizarre  aspects  of
               mean  “what  existed  in  a            quantum  theory  is  that  it
               time  which  was  before  the          allows  a  system  to  violate

               Big  Bang”.  For  the  easy            the  law  of  mass-energy
               response  is  that  there  was         conservation in a very short
               no  before.  Rather  they  are         time.

               seeking to find the cause of              In other words, a system
               this event; that is, why  the          is  allowed  to  “borrow”
               universe        came        into       some      tiny    amount  of

               existence,  if  there  was  not        energy,  providing  that  the
               nothing  as  the  cause  of  the       very same amount shall be
               event.                                 returned into the medium in
                  Some  physical  models              so short a time that it could

               have  been  proposed  to               not  be  detected  within  the
               answer  this  question.  The           limits  of  the  Uncertainty
               best  of  these  models  are           Principle. This short while,

               probably  those  which  are            better  known  as  “Compton
               based     on     a    quantum          Time”  (t c),  is  the  time
               fluctuation.                           during  which  mass  (m)

                  Quantum  fluctuation  is            could         violate        the
               an uncertain change in one             conservation  law  and  it  is
               of  a  system’s  parameters
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