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               180  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10 (33): 169-217, Winter. 2023
               developed  the  universe  in           origination  for  the  whole
               the inflationary form.                 world. However, Borde and

                  In    such      a    chaotic        Vilenkin      (1994:     3305)
               universe  each  bubble  could          showed  that  “A  physically
               have  its  own  constituents           reasonable  spacetime  that  is

               and characteristics. This will         eternally  inflating  to  the
               result  in  the  creation  of          future  must  possess  an
               small  and  big  bubbles,              initial  singularity”.  (Ref:

               which  shall  overtake  the            Borde  et  al,  2003)  In
               whole  cosmos.  One  of  the           response,     Linde     (1994)
               bubbles  has  ended  up  as            accepted their conclusion.

               our     own     world.      The           The  next  two  important
               inflation      is     eternally        models  are  loop  quantum
               sequential  and  never  ends.          cosmology  (Rovelli  2004)

               One  could  assume  the                and string theory (Gasperini
               universe  as  a  continuous            2008)  which  are  the  result
               branching       process       in       of      unifying        general
               which,      countless       tiny       relativity    and     quantum

               worlds  inflate  in  order  to         theory.
               recreate      other     regions
               within  the  major  chaotic            1.  Also,  two  other  non-standard
                                                      cosmological  models  that  avoid
               world.                                 absolute  singularity  are  the  cyclic
                  Therefore, the singularities        cosmologies    (Penrose    2010;
                                                      Steinhardt and Turok 2007) and the
               are  possibly  local  and              multiverse  model.  (Susskind  2002)

               temporary  phenomena,  and             The  former  model  proposes  a
                                                      sequence  of  cycling  pre-big  bang
               accordingly,  there  may  not          universes,  and  the  latter  assumes
               be    only  one        absolute        really  existing  numerous  worlds
                                                      which   generally   are   causally
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