Page 182 - Pure Life 33
P. 182
Quantum Fluctuation… M.S. Mousavi Karimi (181
According to the first So, none of the models
model, the big bang was which assume the pre-
not the beginning of the eternality of the world are
universe; rather, our scientifically satisfactory.
universe originated from a Moreover, it is not the case
pre-existent universe. that string theory necessarily
(Bojowald 2009) effaces singularities.
Similarly, the outcome (Roiban, 2006)
of the string cosmology is At any rate, according to
that the universe existed these theories, our universe
before the big bang, and in has been emerged, not out
fact, there was a “pre-big- of nothing, but from
bang universe”. (Gasperini 2008) something. So, they are out
So, it seems that in both of the scope of our topic.
scenarios the absolute There are, however, two
singularity and the absolute famous models which have
big bang disappears. tried to avoid the
(Halvorson and Kragh 2021) singularity, and at the same
The problem, however, time explain the problem of
is that there is no how and why the
experimental evidence temporally finite universe
supporting these models. was created out of nothing
some billions of years ago:
separate from ours. None of these the Tryon-Vilenkin and
models are widely accepted. Hawking-Hartle models.
Moreover, in both models, the
creation of the world is from These models have tried
something, not out of nothing. So, to find the solution to this
they are out of the scope of our topic.