Page 180 - Pure Life 33
P. 180
Quantum Fluctuation… M.S. Mousavi Karimi (179
asking what is north of must have a singularity,
the north pole. some physical models
Similarly, it is not have been proposed to
sensible to ask where the avoid the singularity. Of
Big Bang took place. The course, there is no
point-universe was not singularity in the
an object isolated in deceased steady-state model
space; it was the entire as well.
universe, and so the only The first is the model of the
answer can be that the inflationary universe which
big bang happened was popular in the 1980s.
everywhere. (Gott et al According to the
1976: 65) modified version of this
model, called the “chaotic
Therefore, it is inflationary model”, (Linde
nonsensical to question the 1984) the universe is
place and time of the Big presupposed to have begun
Bang. In Davies’s (1978: from an unexpected chaotic
78-79) words, the big bang state. The matter and the
represents the creation temperature are evenly
event; the creation not only distributed but numerous
of all the matter and energy bubbles, originated by the
in the universe but also of quantum fluctuations,
spacetime itself.
existed in space-time. The
5. Since 1965, in which field energy in the
Hawking and Penrose respective regions possessed
showed that the universe a repulsive effect and thus