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               178  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10 (33): 169-217, Winter. 2023
               expanding  or  contracting             and  Roger  Penrose  (Ref:
               with a varying acceleration.           Penrose, 1965) argued that,

                  In  1929  Edwin  Hubble             with  the  assumption  of
               discovered that the galactic           general  relativity  and  the
               redshift      increases       in       expanding  universe  which

               proportion  to  distance;  i.e:        includes       the     existing
               The galaxies get away from             matter, the existence of the
               us  and  the  more  distant  a         singularity seems inexorable.

               galaxy  is  the  faster  it  will
               recede from us. (Heidmann,                4. Singularity demonstrates
               1977:  39)  This  discovery,              the  temporal  finitude  of

               entitled  “Hubble’s  law”,  is            the world: the world has
                                                         a starting point of time.
               the strong evidence that the
               world expands.                         Four  of  the  world’s  most

                  Should the course of the            prominent astronomers describe
               world       expansion        be        singularity and the event of
               reversed, we could come to             the  Big  Bang  in  these
               a  point  at  which  the  time         words:

               would  stop  at  nothing                  The universe began from
               (zero),  while  the  density              a state of infinite density.
               and       the       space-time            Space  and  time  were

               curvature plus the temperature            created in that event and
               would  increase  infinitely.              so  was  all  the  matter  in
               We  would  have  reached  a               the  universe.  It  is  not

               space-time singularity.                   meaningful  to  ask  what
                  In 1965, Stephen Hawking               happened  before  the  Big
               (Ref: Hawking and Ellis, 1965)            Bang; it is somewhat like
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