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               202  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10 (33): 169-217, Winter. 2023
               Physics and Creatio Ex Nihilo          remark        that,      Wave
               So far, we have shown that             functions,        or      some

               some  physical  models,  by            mathematical  equivalent  of
               appealing          to        the       wavefunctions,  come  up in
               phenomenon  of  quantum                every  quantum  theory  and

               fluctuation,     have      been        in  every  proposal  for
               formulated  to  explain  the           making  explicit  conceptual
               creation of the universe out           sense  of  the  quantum

               of  nothing.  Concerning               theories  that  we  presently
               quantum fluctuations, however,         have.
               the     question      that    is          Accordingly, wavefunctions

               immediately raised is: what            describe ‘something’ which
               is     it    precisely      that       exists,      not     ‘nothing’
               fluctuates?                            (quantum  vacuum  actually

                  Any     response      would         refers  to  entities  with  real
               imply  that  there  was  a             properties,  e.g:  Zero-point
               specific  something,  not  at          energy that has measurable
               all  nothing,  before  the  Big        effects on experiments.).

               Bang.  In  other  words,  a               So,  quantum  fluctuation
               quantum       fluctuation     is       is     a     fluctuation      of
               described          by          a       ‘something’  not  ‘nothing’.

               wavefunction;  there  is  no           In  effect,  many  physicists
               quantum mechanics without              have  asserted  this  obvious
               a wavefunction).                       point.

                  Ney and Albert (2013: 9)               These  are  just  a  few
               begin  their  book  “The               examples:  According  to
               Wave  Function”  with  the             modern  physics,  a  vacuum
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