Page 236 - Pure Life 33
P. 236
De-militarization of Language… K.R. Jamani. & A.A. Shameli (235
First, the root of these society, and they are a
types of words and necessary condition for the
sentences goes to the survival and development
Islamic tradition. Second, of mankind.
the words and sentences both A world deprived of
are positive and would these values will push the
create positive aura and people to the jungle era and
personality. the society will be
Based on the psychology collapsed. There is a need
of words, it will help us to to use different tools to
achieve our personal and establish these values in the
collective goals. It will help society. One of the strong
us to achieve maximum tools is textbook, which
human potential and create could be used at different
a shield in front of our levels.
enemies to protect our One of the level is Houza
individual and society. where students learn Surf
and Nahw. In Houza,
2. Imparting the students from 130 countries
Concept of World learn different values. This
Peace and Harmony selection of text on one
for Pure Life side will develop a positive
Peace, harmony and pure personality of students and
life are the basic on the other side will effect
prerequisite of a developed on the global level; because
society. These values bring these students will go back
stability and order to
to their countries where the