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               232  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10 (33): 219-239, Winter. 2023
                  So  the  expert  believes           textbook carry have its own
               that the textbooks could be            psychology  that  effects  on

               a tool to drive the behavior           thinking       pattern      and
               of society. Therefore, these           processes.      The      words
               textbooks        should      be        which  we  use  in  our  daily

               designed and prepared very             develops  our  brain  and
               carefully,     selection      of       shapes our personality.
               colors,  pictures,  text  all             Sibawayh in 8th Century

               have  their  own  effects  on          was  the  first  grammarian
               human brain which leads to             used “Zaraba” and “Qatala”
               develop the personality.               in  his  Arabic  grammar

                                                      book  named  “Al-Kitaab”.
               Conclusion                             Since  then,  the  notion
               Militarization is not related          could  be  seen  in  large
               on  Warfield  only,  the               numbers  in  our  “Sarf”  and

               concept of  militarization is          “Nahw” books.
               being  used  in  educational              Violent      words       and
               domain  as  well,  especially          phrases  has  become  a

               in textbooks. Violent words            necessary  part  of  our
               and  phrases  being  used  in          Arabic  grammar  books.
               textbook             represents        The  words  and  phrases

               militarization  and  need  to          which we use do not carry
               be de-militarized.                     meanings         only;      but
                  The  textbook  is  one  of          influence  our  thinking  that

               the  powerful  tools  being            leads      to     our     brain
               used  to  transfer  concept.           development  and  finally
               The  words  and  phrases  a
                                                      effects  on  learners’  life.
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