Page 235 - Pure Life 33
P. 235
234 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10 (33): 219-239, Winter. 2023
1. De-Militarization of the personal life; but there
Textbook: From Zaraba is also a fear of
Zaidun to Nasara deterioration in the society
Hadiyun due to these types of words.
Since the book of “Al- Therefore, it is a time to
Kitaab” by Sibaway, in make a shift from
which he used the violent traditional phrases and
sentences and words like words to strategic one in
“He is going, hitting, Surf and Nahw textbooks.
killing and being hit”, there The word “Nasara”
have been hundreds of which means “To help” and
book published in recent the sentence “Nasara
times; but unfortunately, Hadiyun” mean “He helped
the authors used the same Hadi” or something like
sentences and word. that could be more strategic
Specially the word “Zaraba and peaceful in all the
Zaidun” meaning “He hit words and phrases being
Zaid”. Whether these used in sarf and Nahw
words and phrases were textbooks. These types of
used with an agenda or words and phrases have
used in ignorance by strong roots in Islamic
Sibawayh is beyond our tradition as well. Mainly,
subject. there are two objectives
What is in our topic is that could be achieve by
that the use of these types the recommended words
of words and phrases is not and sentences.
only a cause of damage to